Chipmunk Section
The Chipmunk program puts the developmental needs of our youngest campers first and foremost, and allows our 3 and 4 year olds to enjoy the Sewataro experience at their pace. Chipmunk Camp includes two offerings: Sprouts, our traditional half-day program for 3 and 4 year olds; and Saplings, a full-day program for 4s only. With careful attention to their programming, slower transitions, built-in free play time, and free swim daily, we have created an ideal place for our youngest campers to grow and thrive socially and physically, under the care of dedicated preschool professionals who adore working with this age group!
Junior Camp Head: Kristen Drummey (please visit our Meet the Staff page to find out more about Kristen).
Chipmunk and Fox campers have their own mini basketball court and shady playing fields (“The Meadows”), that are closer to the Chipmunk area, so young legs don’t have to walk so far, and an Adventure Kingdom complete with a trolley to give them a taste of the thrill that awaits when they are old enough to try the Zip-line. In addition, these campers have their own Magic Treehouse and, of course, the ever popular Sewataro Sand Kingdom and Fox Village.
A weekly, half day program for children ages 3 - 4
(8:30 – 12:45)
The Sprouts program was created in 2010 with the intention of creating a preschool camp environment offering both Sewataro’s mission and superb facilities to these youngest of campers.
The Sprouts program refines the larger mission of Sewataro to meet the developmental needs of preschoolers. Children are engaged in activities developed to foster collaboration, creativity, team-building, and observation of the natural world around them. Programming is thoughtfully planned with the goal of providing a bridge for preschoolers into their first camp experience.

Sprouts Sample Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
8:30-9:15 | Arrival/Free Play (Chipmunk Area) | ||||
9:15-10:00 | Free Choice Stations (Painting, Reading, Sandbox, Imaginative Play) (Chipmunk Area) | ||||
10:00-10:45 | Sports | Creative Arts | Music & Movement | Adventure Kingdom | Fishing |
10:45-11:10 | Sprout Activity* (Chipmunk Area) *nature walk, gardening, performance, group games, etc. |
11:10-11:40 | Lunch/Free Play | ||||
11:40-12:25 | Swimming (Beach at the Pond Supervised by Red Cross Certified Lifeguards) | ||||
12:25-12:45 | Closing Exercises/Packing Up (Chipmunk Area) |
A weekly, full day program for children entering pre-K (age 4)
(8:30 – 3:45)
The Saplings Program introduces our youngest campers to the full day experience within a developmentally appropriate schedule, and under the guidance of experienced child-care professionals. With our careful attention to their programming and staffing, and our investment in their special facilities, we have created an ideal place for young children to grow socially and physically during the summer.

Saplings Sample Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | |
8:30-9:15 | Arrival & Free Play (Chipmunk Area) | ||||
1st Period 9:15-10:00 |
Free Choice Stations (Painting, Reading, Sandbox, Imaginative Play) (Chipmunk Area) | ||||
2nd Period 10:00-10:45 |
Creative Arts | Basketball | Soccer | Fishing | Kickball |
3rd Period 10:45-11:10 |
Saplings Activity* (Chipmunk Area) *Group games, art project, etc. |
11:10-11:40 | LUNCH/Free Play (Chipmunk Area) | ||||
4th Period 11:40-12:30 |
Free Swim | ||||
12:30-1:15 | Rest Time (Chipmunk Area) | ||||
5th Period 1:15-2:00 |
Adventure Challenge | Music & Movement | Boating | Variety | Friday Special Event |
6th Period 2:00-2:45 |
Nature | Parachute | Gardening | Fox Village | |
2:45-3:15 | Group Time/Snack/Packing Up (Chipmunk Area) | ||||
3:15-3:45 | Closing Exercises |
Chipmunk campers enjoy a mix of the following activities throughout the course of a week.

Adventure Kingdom



Creative Arts



Free Swim


Magic Treehouse




Sand Kingdom
