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For the Owl Section and CITs

Owl Overnight

After a snack, setting up tents and having an extra free swim and games, campers will have a cookout. After dinner, the campers have a choice period, then cook s’mores over a campfire. The evening ends with one more game or scavenger hunt before we head to bed, sleeping out on the lawn in the tents!

In the morning, campers enjoy a homemade pancake breakfast and an optional morning swim before the rest of the campers arrive and we start the Friday camp day.

The Overnights are on the Thursday of the 3rd and 6th weeks of camp!

Please note, Overnights are weather dependent as we do not have enough indoor space to sleep campers.

CIT Overnight

The CIT Overnight schedule is similar the one outlined above, but with some special activities geared to only our CITs – the CIT overnights will be held the Thursday of the 3rd and 6th weeks of camp.

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