Sudbury Residents

Scroll down for Scholarship Information

Property Access Information

September - May

Property open to residents from sunup to sundown, 7 days a week. Pets on leash are welcome. Fishing is allowed, but no boating or swimming.

Pavilion Use

Since the Town of Sudbury purchased the property in 2019, Sudbury residents and resident groups have had the opportunity to utilize the pavilions on property for classes, meetings, and community and family gatherings. There are parking lots and porta potties at both ends of the property. There are 3 open air pavilions (equipped with lights and electrical outlets) available for resident use. The largest, Liberty Lodge, is 4,000 square feet and has 2 adjacent accessible parking spaces and a ramp for access. The Meeting Hall is 1,500 square feet, and the Crafts Deck is 1,320. There are folding tables and chairs in each of the pavilions, and we provide trash bins but ask that you either carry out your trash or deposit sealed bags in the dumpster at the Haynes Rd. property entrance. Please email our Town Liaison, , to schedule use of a space.

June - August

Front fields, fishing pond and back field/courts open to residents weekday evenings from 6pm to 8pm and on weekends from 9am to 8pm.

Scholarship Information

We are very excited to partner with the Town of Sudbury to share the Camp Sewataro experience with children in town who may not otherwise have the opportunity to access it. Our shared goal is for all of our scholarship campers to be prepared to truly experience and enjoy every moment of their time with us, and to work together to create lifelong memories.


Scholarship applicants must be Sudbury residents entering Kindergarten through grade ten in the fall of 2025. Please note that there are a limited number of scholarship slots available in each age/gender group, and placements will be made based upon availability.


Consistent attendance and participation is a critical part of the camp experience.

Bring to camp

Please send a nut- free lunch daily. Please contact us if this presents a burden, and we will make arrangements to provide your child with a lunch. A bathing suit, towel, sunscreen for reapplication, flip flops or crocs to wear to and from swimming, and sneakers are required.


Campers arrive daily via car or bus. Bus transportation and/or extended day options are available and scholarship campers may be eligible for financial assistance. Please reach out to us for more information.

Camp Day

The camp day is a busy one, with most days comprising two periods of swimming and four other activities, including team and individual sports, fishing and boating, nature exploration, and visual and creative arts. Campers should be prepared to engage in a wide range of experiences, both familiar and new. Please note that Camp Sewataro is entirely outdoors, and all activities take place in rain, shine, and/or heat.

Essential Eligibility Criteria for Participation in Camp Sewataro

  • Campers are expected to contribute to a safe camp environment, using respectful language and appropriate physical behavior.
  • Campers are expected to function in a group setting in a positive and cooperative manner that displays tolerance and respect for self and others.
  • Campers are expected to follow all instructions from counselors and refrain from behaviors that pose a risk to self or others.
  • Campers are expected to maintain a positive attitude when participating in activities with their group.
  • Campers are expected to navigate varied terrain on an 8-hour daily basis.

Camper Considerations

We understand that some campers do require additional support beyond the scope of our program, and although we are not a therapeutic camp, we strongly believe in the value of inclusion. Camp Sewataro is committed to working proactively and comprehensively with parents/guardians to assess the fit of the program for campers who may have additional needs; Our goal is simply to ensure that we can support the camper fully within the context and environment of our program. This is done on a case-by-case basis with the sole intent of ensuring a successful experience for all.

If your child may need additional support, we request that you send us any information that would help us ensure your camper’s success at Sewataro within a month after they are enrolled. Such information may include a school IEP or 504 plan, reports from a psychologist, psychiatrist, and/or speech, occupational, physical, and behavioral therapists. Anything shared will be treated as confidential, and shared only with our camper support consultant, Emily Golinsky, or members of our Leadership Team, on a strictly need-to-know basis. Please contact Becky at (978) 443-3100 or if your child receives any accommodations, supports, or services (private or in-school) during the school year or if you have any questions or concerns about Camp Sewataro’s fit for your child, prior to submitting an online application.

Camp Sewataro – Sudbury Resident Scholarship – 2025 Criteria

As part of our commitment to our local community, Camp Sewataro is delighted to be offering a limited number of scholarships to the children of Sudbury residents! There are a few different potential scholarship levels available, depending upon the income eligibility guidelines below. Aside from income, we look at the number of children in the household and extenuating factors such as family member illness, family members in college, etc.

Scholarship Criteria

  1. Camper candidate must be a Sudbury resident.
  2. Income Eligibility Guidelines: Annual combined household income*:
    • of less than $100,000 AND household size of 2-4 are eligible for a 50% camper scholarship**
    • of less than $100,000 AND household size of 5+ are eligible for a 75% camper scholarship**
    • of less than $130,000 AND household size of 5+ are eligible for a 50% camper scholarship**
  3. Scholarships are limited in availability and must be applied for before December 31, 2024 for the 2025 Camp Season.

**Availability in desired session is not guaranteed, as openings are limited based on camper age and gender.

*The list below (How to Apply Items 1-3) will help give us a clear picture of scholarship eligibility.

How to Apply

  1. Complete an Online Scholarship Application
  2. Mail, fax or email a copy of your 2023 Tax Return to: 1 Liberty Ledge, Sudbury MA 01776 or 978-433-8153. Social Security numbers should be blackened out for privacy.
    ~ If you are submitting a “self-prepared” tax return, please also submit your W-2 (as evidence of your annual combined household income).
  3. In the case of divorced parents, please include evidence of agreed upon child support.
    Please note: Camp Sewataro reserves the right to request any of the following documents (in addition to above) in order to fulfill the “annual combined income” criteria.
    • Last two pay stubs
    • Unemployment check stubs (last two)
    • Retirement/pension income
    • State Assistance (WIC, TANF, AFDC and/or DHCP)
    • Self-Employed: Schedule C or other appropriate tax form
  4. Once we have received your supporting documentation, we will start the review process and will reach out with any questions. Please note, we will do our best to accommodate your specific request based on limited availability.

All scholarship information will be confidential and treated with the utmost respect and sensitivity to your family’s privacy.