
Staying Connected

There are many ways to stay connected to your child’s Sewataro experience. We post daily photos in CampMinder that you can access by clicking “LOG IN” on the upper right hand corner of the website. Once logged in, click on the “Photos” link at the top of the page. Daily videos can be accessed through the Vimeo showcase link sent out to our enrolled families.

You can also follow Sewataro on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok!

We send out a weekly camp-wide newsletter as well as weekly group newsletters. We also use a text service to provide optional transportation and weather alerts for our camp families.

We do not send home updates about individual campers (with the exception of swim progress notes) because filling out paperwork removes the staff from their most important responsibility – being with the campers! However, we understand that some parents are unable to visit and would like an occasional update on how their children are doing in their overall camp experience. We encourage you to contact the camp office if you are feeling disconnected. Our section supervisors will check in with the staff in your child’s group and we will get back to you with an update, often that same day. In that vein, if your child ever says anything about camp that is concerning to you, please connect with us right away. Parents are our most important partners in ensuring a successful camp experience.