2025 Session Availability

*Availability by camper grade is listed below. We update this page daily, but please note that availability is ever-changing.

S = spot(s) available in single gender group

A = spot(s) available in mixed/all gender group

X = session is full for this gender/age group

Sprouts (Half Day 3 & 4 year olds): All one week sessions are currently full

Saplings (Full Day 4 year olds): All one week sessions are currently full

CIT Sessions have very limited availablity. If you are interested in applying, please reach out to our office to learn more!

25-26 School Year Grade Gender Identity Session 2.1 (6/23-7/4) Session 2.2 (7/7-7/18) Session 2.3 (7/21-8/1) Session 2.4 (8/4-8/15)
K Female S,A S,A S,A S
–––– Male S,A S,A S,A S,A
1st Female X X X X
–––– Male X X X X
2nd Female S,A X X X
–––– Male X X X S,A
3rd Female X X X A
–––– Male X X X X
4th Female S A S,A S,A
–––– Male S,A S S,A S
5th Female S,A S,A S,A S,A
–––– Male S,A S,A S,A X
6th Female S S S S
–––– Male S S S S
7th Female S S S X
–––– Male S X S S
8th Female S S S S
–––– Male S S S S

If you would like to be added to the wait list, please submit an application for your preferred session and we will reach out. There is no charge to be added to the wait list.