“It’s beginning to look a lot like [summer], everywhere you go…”

Sprouts Pavilion

NEWS FLASH: THE TENTS ARE UP!! There are so many signs that a new camp season is just around the corner – the perfectly manicured grounds, the colorful streamers hanging at the Sprouts Pavilion (the Sprouts are here!), the empty front garage transforming into our summer Headquarters (Oh look, there’s Robyn and Nikki, Sammi, Emmy and Nikki!), to name a few.

2015 Office

For me, there is no sight more indicative of camp (or more thrilling to see) than the tents. They look so peaceful and refreshed – I wonder if they’re aware that 600 campers and 175+ staff members will be descending upon them in less than two weeks?! And just as I began walking down the hill, marveling at the green-on-green effect before me, a splash of color caught my eye…

Crates June 2015

The crates are down! As you can see, they’re being power washed by none other than Eagle Tribe Leader Dan Horgan, Fishing Assistant Tom Mulherin, and our new Campcraft Head, Tom Stevens – Hi, guys! Staff member pop-ins for pre-season clean-up work are another sure sign of camp’s imminent arrival.

Stay tuned for more Summer 2015 updates, and in the meantime, stock up on the sunscreen (no sprays, please!), bug wipes and beach towels: camp is-a-comin’!

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