Dear Friends,

A warm welcome to our new camper families (those of you in sessions 2.2, 4.2 and 6.2), and a welcome back to our returning campers and their families! This week’s transition to the new session was seamless, thanks to our amazing staff who are dedicated to bringing their “‘A’ Game” each and every day, to ensure that all campers feel connected – to each other, to their counselors, and to camp as a whole. These amazing youth development professionals work tirelessly to bring the Sewataro mission statement to life, and we’re incredibly proud of them. About 50% of our counselors are past Sewataro campers! It’s always a joy to see them sharing their favorite camp traditions with their own campers.

2017 campfire

Speaking of traditions…the sight of a roaring campfire and the smell of campfire smoke wafting through the air is always a good indication that week three has arrived, and with it a favorite Camp Sewataro tradition – S’mores! Campers old and new bonded as they discussed the finer points of “Marshmall-ogy” (the vast majority say golden brown is best), and nearly all agreed that the gooey treats are, in a word: “Yummy!” When asked how many s’mores he eats per day, Campcraft Head Tom cautioned campers: less is more. “I only eat one a day…otherwise, I’d get sick of them.”

Tie-dye is another camp tradition that showed up this week in all its colorful glory. Crafts head Rachel picked some new colors this year, and the results have been dynamite! Your campers will be coming home with their masterpieces soon.

2017 tie-dye

The end of the week was another fantastic Friday Special Event – Harry Potter! The supervisors have been planning this one since last summer, and it was incredible! You can read more about it in the Smoke Signal that was emailed to parents last Friday.

Have a wonderful weekend, and as always, we thank you for entrusting us with your children – they are terrific!


The Taylors and all of your friends at Sewataro