Aug 17 2017
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”
(Winnie the Pooh)
Dear Friends,
Saying goodbye to Camp is tough for all of us, campers and staff alike. For these precious eight weeks we’ve found joy in friendship, play, and good old-fashioned fun. By unplugging and slowing down we’ve learned a lot about ourselves and about being a part of something bigger. At its core, Camp Sewataro is all about community. And it’s sad saying goodbye to such a wonderful community! We’ll hold this summer’s memories in our hearts all year long, and we’re thankful that each and every one of you chose to be a part of our summer family. We hope you’ll smile upon finding that inevitable pine needle at the bottom of the washing machine in January, or hearing your child sing “Green Alligators” for the umpteenth time! We’ll be thinking of you, and we look forward to doing it all over again next summer. Until then…we wish you a happy and healthy school year.
With warmth and gratitude,
The Taylors and all your friends at Sewataro