Dear Friends,

Happy Back to School! We hope you and your children are all doing well during this transition, and we’re wishing everyone a great school year. On our end, camp is way too quiet for our liking, and we’re missing the smiles, the laughter, the songs and the cheers; We already can’t wait for next summer! We know that many of you have been waiting for information regarding next summer’s enrollment dates, rates, and procedures.

The 2025 Camper Application WILL GO LIVE THE WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 23rd!!

Please read the following information carefully to avoid any confusion as you look to enroll your campers for 2025:

Past Families Application Dates:

  • Tuesday, September 24th at 6am - Wednesday, September 25th at midnight

New Families Application Opens:

  • Thursday, September 26th at 6am

All applications are date and time stamped, and will be processed by longevity for the first two days ONLY.

After September 25th at midnight, family longevity will no longer be taken into account.

We do this because we receive such a high volume of applications very quickly upon opening, and keeping the longevity priority window tight protects both past and new families.

We strongly encourage you to consider applying as early as possible in the above date/time windows in order to secure your spot. (Last year, sessions for some age groups began filling just 2 minutes after the application opened.) After the above designated dates/times, applications will be processed on a first come, first served basis. We will begin enrolling in early October, according to the date and timestamp on each online application, beginning with past families who’ve submitted applications prior to 12am on Wednesday, September 25th.

Once you have submitted your application, you should receive an email confirming that your application was received.

Please note: This does not mean your child is enrolled, as we won’t begin processing applications until October.

If we have a spot and are able to enroll your child, you will receive a second email confirming enrollment. If your session is full, we will reach out with other available options. We appreciate your patience, as the enrollment process can take up to two months to complete.

Thank you again for a wonderful 2024 camp season! We are excited to begin planning Summer 2025, and to seeing your incredible children again!

With warmth and gratitude,

Amy, Emmy, Cheryl, Hannah, Alyssa & Claire